Many students from the EXCEPT partner universities have been involved with the project.
Heike Schütt, MA student, Universität Duisburg-Essen
Torge Riebesell, MA student, Universität Duisburg-Essen
“I should do it, but I do not.” Attitudes of young people regarding their retirement savings.
A Monticone, MA candidate, Master's degree in Sociology, University of Turin
I Ahlinder, BA candidate, Sociology Department at Umeå University
The Impact of Labor Market Insecurity Among Immigrants in Europe
H Keenoo, MA candidate, School of Economics, University of Kent
Effects of Unemployment on Health of Young people with a special focus on gender differences
E Wikner & A Nygaard, BA candidates, Umeå University
The impact of individual and partner’s unemployment on depressive symptoms in Europe.
M R Züger, MA candidate, University of Tartu
K Ecker, Magister programme candiate, Umeå University
Wellbeing, Employment and Gender in a Systematic Comparison of Institutional Contexts across Europe
E Westerlund & V Öberg, BA programme candiates, Umeå University
M Adolfsson, BA programme candiate