Young people express their thoughts on adulthood at the Heilig Länder Rock Festival in Germany
On the 10th of September 2016, the Bamberg EXCEPT Team set up a graffiti wall at the local “HEILIG LÄNDER ROCK FESTIVAL” in Breitbrunn, Germany. Youth between the ages 16 and 30 years who visited the music festival were invited to express their thoughts about the questions “What do you associate with work?” and “What does becoming an adult mean to you?” Many young visitors were eager to respond and shared their feelings.
Associations concerning work ranged from “unemployment” over “long distance relationship” to the “hope for self-realization”. Becoming an adult was associated with thoughts about having an “own apartment” and reaching “independence”.
The Heilig Länder Rock Festival is a small music festival taking place close to Bamberg. Every year it hosts about 400 to 600 visitors. Most of them are young people between 16 and 30 years old. The festival exists since 2010 and gives about 10 local and international solo-artists and bands the chance to perform.