Working paper 13 now available


EXCEPT Working Paper no 13 titled “Contagion of Health Effects of Unemployment within Families: Does Becoming Unemployed among Young People Affect Health of Their Partners?” is now available on project’s web-page

The paper aims to examine the effect of unemployment on health among young people’s partners. Authors Anna Baranowska-Rataj and Mattias Strandh find that effects of partners’ unemployment are stronger among women, which indicates that women are a more vulnerable labour market group. They also show that the degree to which partner’s unemployment is detrimental depends on the country-specific context. Men’s unemployment deteriorates their female partners’ health most of all in conservative countries, with social norms supporting male breadwinner supremacy. The effects of men’s inactivity, i.e. not doing paid work and not searching for a job are stronger in countries with stronger work obligation. For detailed analysis see Working Paper No 13.

Issues of health and well-being have been addressed under different angles also in previous EXCEPT working papers: see Working Paper No 2, Working Paper 7 and Working Paper 8 for more.

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