The impact of labour market flexibilisation on the first transition to adult life in different welfare states


On July 2-4, 2015 EXCEPT Researchers presented their paper "The impact of labour market flexibilisation on the first transition to adult life in different welfare states: does contractual stability matter?” on the SASE 27th Annual Conference “Inequality in the 21st Century” at The London School of Economics and Political Science

Temporary jobs might prevent young people from making important life decisions – like leaving parental home to build his/her own family - because of the insecurities related to this type of employment. EXCEPT Researchers, Professor Dirk Hofäcker, (Institute for Social Work and Social Politics, University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany) and Professor Sonia Bertolini (Department of Culture, Politics and Society, University of Turin in Italy) are working on the paper where they will analyse how unemployment, and fixed-term vs permanent type of contract influences the decision to leave parental home for the first time. They will also look if the level of education influences this type of decisions, and if there are differences between Italy, France and Germany in the life stories of young people.



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