Special issue of the ‘Studies of Transitions States and Societies’ will feature EXCEPT papers
Special issue of the ‘Studies of Transitions States and Societies’ will feature EXCEPT papers
We are happy to announce that the EXCEPT papers will be published in the special issue of the open access journal Studies of Transitions States and Societies (STSS). The first drafts of the papers outlying the results of the EXCEPT project were presented during the workshop in Thessaloniki. Our special thank you to advisory board members Vanessa di Paola (Universite Aix-Marseille) and Virginia Mora (Centre d'études et de recherches sur les qualifications), who participated in the discussion and gave valuable comments to the authors.
’Studies of Transition States and Societies’ (STSS) is a fast-growing open-access interdisciplinary journal for the study of transition societies. STSS aims to promote interdisciplinary exchange between scholars in all major field of the social sciences with emphasis in sociology and political science.