New article «Young people entering the labour market: Obstacles and ways of coping»


A new article by the EXCEPT researchers is out now. As a first result of the analysis of interviews with youth in Estonia the article centers on the obstacles and coping strategies of young people entering the labor market.

The first part of the article provides an overview of the labour market situation of youth in Estonia and changes in the situation in 2003–2015 compared to the European Union (EU) average. The second part presents a case-by-case overview of interviews carried out with young people entering the labour market. The stories told by young people reveal that, if entry into the labour market has not been smooth, it can take them a long time to find their place. At the same time, not all NEET youth suffer from social exclusion – social support (predominantly from parents) allows them not to work, look for a better job or take their time in choosing the right occupation/profession. A lack of professional skills is a risk factor for youth with basic and general secondary education. The interviews revealed that they want to continue their studies, but they have either failed to get the training they want, or have trouble with combining work and studies. For youth with higher level of education it has been difficult to find a suitable occupation or profession, and should it appear that they have made the wrong choice, higher education does not ensure a more secure labour market position. The young people who were interviewed can mainly cope thanks to support from their parents and other loved ones, but many of them are able to cope also thanks to their active attitude, manifested in a consistent and intense job search. If the job search drags on, young people may consider making compromises with regard to their job expectations, but only if going to work becomes inevitable.

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