First EXCEPT results on Ukraine are published in 3 languages and picked up by national media 

First EXCEPT results on Ukraine are published in 3 languages and picked up by national media 

Based on the press-release for Working Paper 1, EXCEPT researchers from Ukraine, Nataliia Shapoval and Olena Nizalova had their blog "Ukrainian Youth is More Likely to Get the Job Than European…But This Job is Less Rewarding" published by VoxUkraine, a highly influential peer-reviewed analytical platform. The press-release was published in 3 languages and picked up by over 7 Ukrainian media, including national media: 112UA, epravda,,,,,

Ukrainian labour market seems to be more favorable for the young than in the EU countries. It is rather robust to economic downturns. Youth unemployment of 15% rate in 2013 seems to be far less of a problem in Ukraine than it is in the EU where it reaches up to 55% at the extreme (Greece), with a much wider gap between the young and 30+ people. The authors discuss what could explain these findings including differences with other EU countries in terms of shares of young people not in the labour force, the size of the informal sector and the wage levels.

Please see the full text at

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