EXCEPT results were introduced to Polish Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy
On January 10, 2018, the results of the EXCEPT project were presented at the Polish Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy. The meeting was attended, among others, by the representatives of the Department of Economic Analysis and Forecasts, the Labour Market Department, the Social Insurance Department, and the Office of the Government Plenipotentiary for Disabled People. The coordinator of the Polish team Beata Grzesiak introduced the audience to the theme of the meeting, and then Marta Palczyńska presented the most important results of the study in the area of non-economic consequences of the labour market exclusion of young people. Subsequent presentations described the financial and economic consequences of unemployment and job insecurity (Magdalena Rokicka), and the results of field research, including the assessment of labour market policies from the perspective of young people looking for a job (Jędrzej Stasiowski).
Wykluczenie społeczne młodzieży w Europie
Niepewna sytuacja młodzieży na rynku pracy a zdrowie i dobrostan psychiczny
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