EXCEPT results published in Estonian

EXCEPT results published in Estonian

The first five issues of the working paper series of Institute of International Social Studies (Tallinn University) bring to the readers the results of EXCEPT Project, focussing on Estonia.

The first issue discusses the use of the notion of social exclusion in the context of youth (Helemäe, 2018a). In the second number (Reiska, Roosmaa & Oras, 2018) the authors describe the consequences of insecure labour market positions on the socioeconomic situation, health and well-being of Estonian youth. In the third issue (Reiska, 2018) a typology is created based on the risk of social exclusion and the groups are described bringing to attention the turning points in the life course, which could explain the risk. The fourth issue of IISS working papers (Helemäe, 2018b) analyses the role of parents and social networks in the process of becoming autonomous in Estonia. The last issue until now (Unt, 2018) puts the issue of youth labour market insecurities in long term perspective and stresses the need for policies which take the life course approach into account.

The interviews analysed in these issues of working paper series were conducted in the frames of the Project „Social Exclusion of Youth in Europe: Cumulative Disadvantage, Coping Strategies, Effective Policies and Transfer (EXCEPT), which received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 649496. The analysis carried out to describe the situation of youth in Estonia was financed by Estonian Youth Work Centre with the support of European Social Fund in the framework of the programme “Inclusion of youth at risk of exclusion and improvement of youth employability”.

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