EXCEPT events in Italy this autumn
Sonia Bertolini and Valentina Moiso from University of Turin presented the qualitative results of EXCEPT project at the workshop „Youth, Arts and Creative Professions” held at the Museum of Work of Turin Polo del '900 on the 18th of October. To make the presentation more vivid, Silvia Genta performed the interview quotations. See some videos of the event below.
At the same museum the exhibition of EXCEPT photo completion YOU(TH)VISION:BECOMING ADULT TODAY with ten photos from youth from different European countries will continue until the 25 of December.
The event was sponsored by Merkurio, Filiera d'arte, associazione di idee, founded by Compagnia S. Paolo in cooperation with University of Turin, project "La Città Nuova - Giovani, lavoro e comunità in cammino" (The new city – Youth, work and community on the move), an interdisciplinary project focused on the transformations of the city and the local society.