EXCEPT at the Roundtable Workshop in Dubai

EXCEPT at the Roundtable Workshop in Dubai

EXCEPT Project Co-Coordinator Michael Gebel was invited for a talk on "How can surveys help youth policy?". Michael spoke at the roundtable stakeholder workshop on "The role of values in family formation, education and work and subjective wellbeing: what can we learn from the youth studies for the social policy?". This workshop was organized by b'huth (Dubai Public Policy Center) and the UAEU (United Arab Emirates University) and was held on the 24th of October, 2017 in Dubai. Michael Gebel provided insights from the EXCEPT projects on how the collection and analysis of youth survey data can provide insights that inform and guide policy makers. The stakeholder workshop attracted youths, national and international scholars as well as public policy advisors of one of the leading think tanks in the United Arab Emirates. 

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