EXCEPT at European Week of Regions and Cities
EXCEPT project manager at European Commission REA Kerstin Wilde spread the word on EXCEPT Proposal for future research (published as EXCEPT Working Paper No. 58) at European Week of Regions and Cities held from 8th to 11th of October in Brussels.
Smart Specialisation Strategies (RIS3 or S3) set priorities at national and regional level to build competitive advantage by developing and matching research and innovation own strengths with business needs, to address emerging opportunities and market developments in a coherent manner, while avoiding duplication and fragmentation of efforts. They are also a backbone of national or regional research and innovation strategic policy frameworks in Europe.
Kerstin Wilde emphasized that the new generation of RIS-3 should also focus on diverse aspects of social inclusion and integrate these from the start until the end into their strategy. It needs to aim the quality of jobs and ways for upskilling for all.
As Kerstin reports from the event: “As a 'follow-up' on EXCEPT brilliant Recommendation for future Research and Data Gathering, your suggestions to the LFSS and EU-SILC data gathering have been put into the ears of colleagues from Eurostat who were very interested! Also, the workshop on RIS3 profited from how to spell 'social' e.g. when it comes to employment.”